To get to Phu Quoc tourists can take direct flight from Ho Chi Minh Or Ha Noi or even get bus to Ha Tien/Rach Gia and take speedboat to the island.
[related_posts_by_tax title=""]Phu Quoc is as many other places of Vietnam where the motorbike is the main vehicle on the street. If you want to visit the beautiful beach and mountain sites while you still want to enjoy the fresh air from the ocean or the national forest then the best vehicle you would like to use in Phu Quoc is motorbike. Rent a motorbike and get ready for your discovery trip into the nature of Phu Quoc.
You dont know where to get a good motorbike with a cheap price? You afraid of the miscommunication with the local people? Contact us today as We offer a very good Phu Quoc Mortorbike Rental Service.
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